MTO PROJECT 2022-5050

North Driftwood River Bridge

The Project

MTO Project 2022-5029 provided the access and preloading required for the future construction of a new bridge over the North Driftwood River.  The approaches to the new bridge, on both the east and west sides of the river, required clearing and grubbing of the existing tree line and vegetation, including excavation for the abutment foundations.  Granular ‘A’ was used for the abutment foundations, Granular ‘B’ type 2 was used to cover it and transition to the rock embankment, while the remaining of the preload was completed with shot rock.  Settlement monitors were installed on top of the preload to periodically be reviewed by the Ministry for settlement of the ground, ensuring proper compression of the underlying foundation.

The Challenge

Given the timing and potential fluctuation of the water levels in the river for the time of year that construction was to take place, constant monitoring of the water elevations was completed prior to mobilizing to site.  Luckily, when work commenced in August, water levels were at there lowest of the season, and minimal protections were required during excavation for the abutment foundations on the shores of the river.  Considerable contingency plans were in-place and ready to deploy should weather conditions have changed, and water levels suddenly and unexpectedly risen.

The Results

  • 12,144 m3 of rock supply
  • 1,150 tonnes of granular ‘A’
  • 2,110 tonnes of granular ‘B’ type 2
  • the planning and execution of this project from our field staff was excellent, and allowed us to complete the contract 3 weeks earlier than projected; at the conclusion, the site was ready for the next contractor to start preparations for construction of a new bridge over the Driftwood River

Project Info


Ministry of Transportation

Engineering Consultant

LEA Consulting Ltd.

Contract Type

MTO Major Capital

Project Value



6 weeks