Lac Ste-Therese

Ducks Unlimited

The Project

The Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) Lac Ste Therese project involved the replacement of a water control structure used to control water levels in the wetland.  The original structure was constructed in the early 90’s and over time had deteriorated to the point that it needed to be replaced.

The project included the removal of the old control structure and installation of a new control structure that regulates the water level of the wetland with removable stop logs.  The new structure also incorporates beaver resistant fencing and inlet piping.

The existing discharge culvert was replaced with a new culvert that included an anti-seepage diaphragm in the dam.

A rip-rap lined emergency overflow spillway was installed on the existing dam.


The Challenge

The Lac Ste Therese project involved multiple challenges with the major issues being site access and control of the water during construction.  Site access was challenging as the only access road was a small ATV trail through the owner’s property.

The Results

The Villeneuve team worked closely with the property owner and DUC to successfully complete the project.

The work was completed in late October / early November as soon as the ground had frozen enough to support construction equipment and movement of materials on the access road.

After the installation of sediment control measures, the water was controlled using steel sheet piles to isolate the work area.  After the sheet piling was completed, pumps were place inside in order to dewater the work zone so that all work could proceed in the dry.

Once the work area was isolated and pumped dry, the old control structure and culvert were removed and the new ones installed.  This included the installation of the beaver resistant inlet piping, fencing and rip rap protection both upstream and downstream.

On the completion of the installation, the pumps were shut off and the sheet pile was removed.  Finally, the site and access road were cleaned up and rehabilitated as we demobilized from site.

The Lac Ste Therese project was completed in 5 days of construction work on-site.

Project Info


Ducks Unlimited Canada

Engineering Consultant

Ducks Unlimited Canada

Contract Type
Project Value

5 Days